Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Wedneday Food Log

Well, its Wednesday already and I should have meeting tonight, but I am working the College Basketball game for our church tonight, so I can't make meeting. Just found out that a friend is doing the saturday morning meetings, and hubby suggested that I switch and go with her, which I am surprised about, I didn't think he would want me to go Saturday morning, so I just may do that.

WW Key Lime Pie yogurt - 1 point
Flax seed - .5 points
Diet Big Red - 0 point

Snack at work:
WW Carrot Cake snack cake - 1 point
Diet Big Red - 0 points
** not that I was really hungry, but so much going on and trying to deal with it and work is getting busy, so that is why I snacked, not because I was hungry.

cheeseburger with tomato, and pickle from Wendy's - 7 points

I worked the concession stand at the basketball game tonight with the gals from church, so I didn't get to eat a real meal, but I did have my meal from there.

Polish Dog with relish

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