Tuesday, February 26, 2008

BloggerWave - New Company


So your like me, you have taken the time to put your thoughts and feelings, your ideas and opinons down into a blog. What do you do with it now? How do you get people to read it?

One thing you can do is to use your blog to get paid. Yep, you read that right, you can get paid to blog about a variety of topics. Doesn't that sound like fun?

The newest company in this vein is BloggerWave. They are based out of Europe, but are open to bloggers all over. Their goal is to be the biggest advertising on blogs in Europe! Great goal, and what does that mean to you? Well, the bigger they grow the more chances to blog about more things for those that are working with them. So if you sign up for BloggerWave now, while they are still growing, you get in on the ground floor and grow your blog while they grow, which all means more for you! What have you got to lose, give them a try!

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