Monday, January 7, 2008

New Year, New Resolve

It's a New Year, and only five months before I turn 40.
I am not happy where I am right now, and the idea of 40 looming ahead of me is not promising, so I have a new reslove to make a change!
It starts now, and it will include various means, including my faith and daily devotionals, which I will continue to share, as well as Weight Watchers and whatever else I find I need to continue.

I haven't joined Weight Watchers yet, but will be doing that today, but that doesn't mean I can't start.
UPDATE: I joined Weight Watchers at lunch, while I was eating my lasanga. There is a local meeting at 6:30pm on Wednesday, which I think I can work into my schedule to make every week. So this coming Wednesday will be my first meeting and "official" start date, but I am working on setting up all my information online and it gives me a target point goal as 30. Now I just have to figure out those points!

I am also taking JuicePlus capsules, which a couple of good friends have recommended, not for weight loss, but for general health. is the website and I really like it. I am just hoping with it that I can improve my general feeling, I am so tired all the time, and I know that I don't get the fruits and veggies that I really need.

Another thing, over the years I have bought and started taking all these different diet supplements, and I am sick of them all over the place, so I decided to just take them and get rid of them. If they help me to jump start the weight loss, great. So, you might notice a number of different caspules being listed, but the only ones that will continue on are the JuicePlus, the rest are just me finishing off whatever bottles I have around the house and office.

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