Wednesday, November 7, 2007

November 6 - Thought for the Day

The motivation for what we do in the area of body care is very important. It will affect how succesful we are. If we eat right and engage in proper exercise for the purpose of being a more vital, healthy, energetic, and useful servant of the Lord, this has eternal consequences and you are more likely to stick with it.

Therefore, whether you eat or drink, ow whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.
1 Corinthians 10:31

Before, I had tried just about every diet on the market, every fad, anything to lose weight. When I started trusting in the Lord for help, and doing my devotionals I did better than on my own, but I am human, and the day-to-day struggles of life and kids got in the way, I let them push the devotionals and weight loss focus onto the back burner and here I am, back at the starting point. If I really want this to work, and I do, then I have to make time each morning to talk to God and focus on what he is asking of me and to ask for his help each and every day. I have to make time in my schedule to go walking or work out. It won't be easy, but then is anything worth doing ever easy?

High Protein Soy Meal Replacement drink (made with 6 ozs of 2% milk), total calories 231.

Wake Up Weight:
252.5 pounds

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